
13 Fishing FreeFall Ice Reel Review

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March 20, 2022

I enjoy your video, no loud music, no giggling, no jumping around acting silly. Thanks

March 20, 2022

Nice! You helped me decide on getting one!

March 20, 2022

Isn't that an ice fishing rod?

March 20, 2022

i cant honestly see any benefits of these hybrids vs a baitcasting reel…like zero…someone tell me why i would need this over a baitcasting and change my mind please…

March 20, 2022

Bearing in mind that the reel Does not have a level wind, is it necessary to distribute the line with the finger? Thanks.

March 20, 2022

What lb test you using and jig by chance nice video

March 20, 2022

Can you cast with this thing???? it looks like it holds enough line to do it

March 20, 2022

Catorating bands for calfs work awesome

March 20, 2022

Кто скажет, как работают магнитные тормоза на Черной Бетти, если шпуля
не магнитится- она алюминиевая. Они работают, если тормоз закручен то барабан крутится
8-10 секунд, как не разгоняй если откручен винт то 16-18 секунд. Но как
это работает не понятно. Ответьте знающие! Курок не удобен – по мне он
должен быть подальше от стойки чтоб указательный палец входил в
перчатке. Собираюсь делать тёплую рукоять без железа- маловато места,
чтоб обклеить неопреном стойку в общем придётся включать голову. Катушка
в целом нравится. Покрутил варианты подешевле белую и зелёную- люфты на
тех больше. Выбрал топовую.

March 20, 2022

So you haven’t had issues with it coming off the spool while reeling and tangling up on the outsides of the spool? I have a 13 fishing decent and it always does this. It has caused me to lose so big fish but I love the free fall mode and the lack of line twist. If this reel got rid of those problems I’ll be picking one up

March 20, 2022

Очень интересная рыбалка .Там где я живу такую рыбу не ловят . Я подписался правда ничего по Английски не понимаю .Но у рыбаков один язык . Рыбный ))

March 20, 2022

В России тоже умеют Дурить рыбу ))

March 20, 2022

The clam tape works great. You just have to stretch it really right before it sets. I use it on my rods and it doesn’t wiggle a bit. I can pull on the reel enough that the mount will bend and flex but the seat won’t wiggle on the rod. The only problem is that it covers your cork handles and once it’s on its there until you cut the tape.

March 20, 2022

What rod is that?

March 20, 2022

can you please give me the information of the rod and the reel and where can I buy them thank you new subscriber

March 20, 2022

Nice Reel!

March 20, 2022

This looks like Chester Woods near Rochester, MN

March 20, 2022

How easily will a 1/32 oz jig fall?

March 20, 2022

what kind of gloves?

March 20, 2022

Are you guys in Minnesota?

March 20, 2022

Try it in -20 weather with wind chill hole hopping!!! I sold 2 of my free falls cause they would freeze up on me!!!!

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