
Backpacking Fishing Rod & Reel Review – Alegra Mini Spin Rod And Mini 515 Reel by Balzer

A comprehensive review of an ideal fishing combo for backpacking and travel… The Alegra Mini Spin Telescoping rod and Alegra Mini 515 spinning reel by Balzer. Available from P&S Fishing Tackle via their website at PSFishing.com

As an avid fisherman and backpacker, I’m asked quite frequently about my thoughts on good fishing tackle to bring along into the backcountry when backpacking. This new lightweight rod and reel combo is a shining example of what I consider to be a top of the line setup for backpacking… whether it’s an ultralight trek, or a “bring everything including the kitchen sink” trip. It’s high quality construction and incredibly light weight are unbeatable. So is the price. You simply can’t go wrong with this combo.

This rod & reel (as well as a huge array of other top quality gear & tackle can be found at the P&S Fishing Tackle Store via their website at:

Alegra Mini Spin Rod:
Alegra Mini 515 Spinning Reel:

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March 19, 2022

This fishing rod in this video is a fantastic rod. The very best. And you can't buy them anywhere anymore. No more PS fishing. Must be out of business. The reel is still available and it's smooth as glass and super light. Buy it asap. And if you find this rod which I owned once and no longer do if anybody finds this rod please let me know.

March 19, 2022

This fishing rods were way better than I expected allabout.wiki/etcf I bought two of these poles for me and my fiancé. Rods work really good. Compact so we can put them in a case while we ride our four wheelers. Caught about 20 bass with them yesterday. Pictured were the biggest at 3 to 4 #'s and a lunker about 7 to 8 #'s. Very well made. I'll endorse it.


I cannot find that fishing rod online


Where can you buy this Fishing Rob

March 19, 2022

whatever happened to P and S I can`t find them any more

March 19, 2022

Pony Tail and earring…. delete

March 19, 2022

Which is better for backpacking/backwoods adventure fishing telescope or take down rods?

March 19, 2022

I looking into getting a travel rod and reel. Do you recommend that one or the pen fishing one

March 19, 2022

John, do you any thoughts or opinions on the Daiwa Presso pack Rod? No reviews are out there. I want a 5' or 5"10" max or the IM12 newer model of yours. Also, Eagle Claw makes a higher end pack Rod around the $60.00-$75.00 range. Thanks for any help.
Wm. ~

March 19, 2022

Hey John, Bill again. I love that Alegra Mini Spin pack Rod is sweet. I fish 90% ultralight and wish they made this Rod In 5-foot or shorter. Fishermen in the UK tend to use longer rods? I don't know why? What is the action on yours? Is it fast or whippy? "IF" by any chance you have an extra Alegra or want to sell yours, I'd love to buy it? I'd like to hear your thoughts on Diawas Presso Pack Rods too? I'm leaning towards the IM-12 in 5'10" … Unless you have one like yours in the video you'd be willing to sell? Thanks a lot, keep up the great videos, and go wet a line~

March 19, 2022

Wow,,, way to much $$$$$$$$

March 19, 2022

Well, yes it is a nice setup. I am really impressed with it. You won't find one of this quality at just any supply store. The reel I thought was entirely metal, was not. The mount is plastic. But it won't just break. Some kind of super plastic or something. But the rest of it is definitely metal and really smooth. And super compact and light weight. This gives me a full size rod out in the back woods but able to carry it inside my pack. Love it. Ordering two more for my wife and daughter. I have spent some money looking for this compact quality. Finally found it. Thanks.

March 19, 2022

Well, ok you sold me. Either it is a real good rod n reel or you are just a damn good salesman. I have three to buy for, for our next backpacking hike in the smokeys. So, I bought one from P&S and will check it out myself. But you seem to know what you are talking about and for some strange reason I don't feel like you are bs ing me.

March 19, 2022

Man, what a great review.! This guy could sell me my own car..
I'm going to the P&S Fishing web site right now to order one. Thanks, John..

March 19, 2022

I owned this set up but it was stolen. I recieved this set from PS fishing for Christmas but used it only once before it was stolen. I really loved this rod and reel. I hope who ever stole it knows what a great rod and reel they have. And I can't afford to buy another set. So lame. I'll get another someday soon I hope!!!

Update. They don't sell the rod anymore in the US

March 19, 2022

Thanks i was looking for a good backpacking reel.

March 19, 2022

just wondering how this rig compares to the penrod goliath…since you are backing both?

March 19, 2022

Your reviews are so detailed! I haven't actually tried one of these Alegra rods before, but they seem much better than the Daiwa Wilderness pack they sell on amazon. That one breaks up into 6 different pieces and is also geared toward anglers who are hikers. I might have to buy one of these to check it out. Thanks for the review!

Dustin, thebestfishingrodguide . com

March 19, 2022

Hey man I really like this but.. I'm just a kid so i don't have very much to spend on fishing rods any cheaper substitutes???

March 19, 2022

Sold. Ordered both of them. 🙂 Well they do not have Alegra Mini Spin Rods any more, but they have "Karthago Mini Spin Telescopic Fishing Rod" as improved version of Alegra. I wonder what improvements are they talking about. It is a little longer than Alegra by 2 inch (19") transport. and 6' 10" length. Now I am waiting for UPS truck to arrive.

March 19, 2022

if I am casting from over a bridge in a miditerranean sea, what would be a suitable rod and reel? I think I would need a long line. How I know a big size of reel that takes a long line? what should I look for? I am coming back to fishing after long long years, so my information is outdated, back in the days, we used Mitchell.

March 19, 2022

If you go to their website, just click on the "contact us" button and address your question to Peter… he will be happy to get right back to you and point you in the right direction. Their customer service is great. Just let 'em know that "intenseangler" sent ya over 😉
Hope that helps….

March 19, 2022

you made spin fishing look tempting but hard to leave the fly at home 🙂 Hardly ever go neer waters without either my winston or my sage. but that was a great review!

March 19, 2022

Outstanding review John I wish I had the some back country fishing areas .

March 19, 2022

@intenseangler Yiiihaaa!

March 19, 2022

@ScoutsNOA Thanks Bro! I really appreciate that! You guys are too kind to me lol.
I know what you mean about YT… it's driving me crazy the last couple of days! Hope they get their stuff together soon. Peace man!

March 19, 2022

I just got this vid brother thanks to YT, but I'm with Mizooch your vid are top notch. Another great vid brother.

March 19, 2022

@blackraven1515 Thanks my friend 🙂 Good thinking on using this setup for your canoe camping trips… it's a great little stow-away combo. Now ya just gotta come up with a way to keep your boyfriend occupied so you can get in some more fishin' time, hehe 😉 Thanks again for the great comment, and I hope your week is off to a great start!

March 19, 2022

@saradreaming Thanks Sara! I know what you mean about the handles… I just loosen the retaining screw and fold back the handle so it's out of the way. I used to sometimes remove the handles, but I always ended up loosing the screw lol. I agree with ya on this rod… I was so impressed with the quality of this thing when I got it (especially in comparison to the "cheapies" you mentioned) that I really wanted to show it off. And hey… if you're good, maybe Santa will bring you one for X-mas 😉

March 19, 2022

@wawhiker Thanks Bill!

March 19, 2022

@mizooch70 I knew this was going to happen… now every time I do a video, everyone's gonna expect me to jump in the water! Haha 😉
Seriously though… thanks ALOT for your kind compliment Brother, I don't even know what to say to that. Made my day though, I'll tell ya that! 🙂

March 19, 2022

@TomsBackwoods Thanks Brother!!

March 19, 2022

@dcordry Thank you Dee! That means alot my friend!

March 19, 2022

@steintanz Thanks Tim! My new mission is to get you a fishing license buddy ;-0

March 19, 2022

Coolie ^_^ Good review and it gives me some good idea of how to gear up for fishing whilst canoe camping! I've been dragging in bulky gear and only catching the odd chance here and there to get in a few casts while my boyfriend is occupied with something (hes not a fan of fishing *cries*)

March 19, 2022

Really nice stuff John and a wonderful video. Do you take the reel handle off when you travel with it? The handles have always taken the most abuse from me. Great looking pole, plus it's so sturdy looking and light. Most telescopics tend to be of the cheaper sort and among other things have the plastic reel seat retaining screw that breaks or strips. Might have to add this one to my dream list… : )

March 19, 2022

Great Vid John!! thanks!!

March 19, 2022

Outstanding video, John! Keep up the good work.

March 19, 2022

That's been very convincing, even for a fishing greehorn like me ;o)

March 19, 2022

@Winkiedoodles Thank you Don, I really appreciate that!

March 19, 2022

Now that's some great gear! Wonderful video, John!

March 19, 2022

@rainbowhiker My pleasure John 🙂 I hope you get some good fishing in on your upcoming trip… enjoy!

March 19, 2022

@Ggreenvideos Thanks buddy! I love this rod and reel!

March 19, 2022

@ewtoutdoors Thanks Ed! Yep, I did get plenty of time to enjoy the fishing up there (there were actually 2 different locations in this vid). The mountain shots were from a trip to one of my favorite places… the Crooked River. Gorgeous place! And it's remote enough that the fishing is usually pretty hot too 🙂 Thanks again my friend… and I hope your weekend's been a great one so far!

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