
Catching Mahi Mahi Fish & Wahoo Fish in the Deep Sea

We Caught Mahi Mahi Fish & Wahoo Fish in the Deep Sea

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September 8, 2022

এই মাছের দাম কত টাকা কেজি?


Professionalism in fishing

September 8, 2022

786[ basic point] IF Below/Above points are clicking u please take a head to toe bath wear preferably white clothes and go to your terrace all alone, look into skies, put your mind and heart there and say sorry my creator indeed U R THERE WATCHING ME SORRY SORRY My Lord Guide me please then see the benefits for u. keep on doing regularly till HE shows some signs. for more clarifications please write your email address.

September 8, 2022

786[6th point])Our parents do not have any control on making a intelligent or dull brain + child's physique & habits, (when in mother’s womb, “destiny”) then! Who that unseen super power administrating on us?Ram,Budha,Muhammad and many others men kind who r being worshipped(except Muhammad) have never said so and claimed!?(no proof available)plz know the real one GOD for all through religion Islam (the most peaceful, if taken seriously).save your self from punishments of being ungrateful to HIM after death: plz discuss this aspect among your relatives and friends.

September 8, 2022

786[55555])Its not simple to understand that all well known dignitaries (in the form of men kind) disappeared (death) after their achievements, similarly He the almighty Allah (religion Islam)also after creating the universe + the understanding mankind disappeared, thus He is highest in achievement to be remembered and top most has the authority only to be worshipped, glorified and regarded the most? plz discuss this aspect among your relatives and friends.

September 8, 2022

786[4444]Very Important)Surely enough, it is impossible to believe that, unless some body not plans, analyze and work out the project, nothing comes in existence, then how the universe came to existence? And who behind that creation! Jesus, ram, budha, Muhammad and many others men kind who r being worshipped(except Muhammad) have never said so and claimed!?(no proof available)plz know the real one GOD for all through religion Islam (the most peaceful, if taken seriously).save your self from punishments of being ungrateful to HIM after death: plz discuss this aspect among your relatives and friends.

September 8, 2022

786[4444]Very Important)Surely enough, it is impossible to believe that, unless some body not plans, analyze and work out the project, nothing comes in existence, then how the universe came to existence? And who behind that creation! Jesus, ram, budha, Muhammad and many others men kind who r being worshipped(except Muhammad) have never said so and claimed!?(no proof available)plz know the real one GOD for all through religion Islam (the most peaceful, if taken seriously).save your self from punishments of being ungrateful to HIM after death: plz discuss this aspect among your relatives and friends.

September 8, 2022

786[22]O'Dear Reader I hope & Wish U doing well well well Off/Safety first before death = Only Religion Islam, The First Religion Since Mankind On Earth & Last Till doomsday = One GOD for all, ALLAH, Creator of All creatures Of Universe, Unseen, But We are Observed By HIS Administration All Times. So, peon to prime minister have to fear HIM doing Absurd & Hatred activities which are registered for proof on Judgment day. Please Note: Jesus, Ram, Buddha etc. never created & claimed anything which is existing for our uses.Allah is a Big Secret, will be disclosed to every Person at the time of his/her death. Mankind’s CREATOR’S Consciousness levels & Piety is also a Secret, will be revealed at the time of his/her death.

I wish all Indians & Worldian be blessed with this understanding & obtain the Guaranteed best fully peaceful lives after Death.PLEASE discuss this clear cut aspect among your family & friends/oblige/ONE UNIVERSE ONE CREATOR i.e.THE ONLY GOD ALLAH FOR ALL.

September 8, 2022

786[ basic point] IF Below/Above points are clicking u please take a head to toe bath wear preferably white clothes and go to your terrace all alone, look into skies, put your mind and heart there and say sorry my creator indeed U R THERE WATCHING ME SORRY SORRY My Lord Guide me please then see the benefits for u. keep on doing regularly till HE shows some signs. for more clarifications please write your email address.

September 8, 2022

Saludos a todos ✌️🇲🇽🌴🌊

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