
China’s first deep-sea fish farm opens for salmon breeding

China’s first deep-sea fish farming facility, Shenlan 1, was opened for salmon breeding in the Yellow Sea on Monday. The octagonal apparatus is China’s first self-developed and world’s biggest fully-submerged net cage. It can cultivate 300,000 salmon during a growth circle, and is expected to meet the annual output of 1,500 tons.

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August 8, 2022

Those salmons will bring another new virus

August 8, 2022

Okay. This is big enough to cause damage to the USS Connecticut…

August 8, 2022

Next need floating fish farm

August 8, 2022

What has history taught us……countries with vast leaps in technology have the potential to create an empire

August 8, 2022

not really ,but 300,000 fish to get 1.500 tons ?seems like another scam from china

August 8, 2022

Good, this will help China to reduce their dependence on other countries on their seafood and creates more jobs for their citizens. Continue to come out with more innovative projects for the betterment for the country and it’s peoples. 👍👍👍

August 8, 2022

funny that…a few years prior to this one, Norway commissioned them to build exactly the same for their salmon farming in Norway, and now China has one built "self-developed"…..Who has eaten salmon from China..? exactly.

August 8, 2022

This is NORWEGIAN INNOVATION, not Chinese. This was originally designed by a Norwegian company.

August 8, 2022

The Norwegian's created this first.
China copied it just like they do with everything as they can't create anything other than viruses.

August 8, 2022

This looks good to make great sashimi 👍

August 8, 2022

it can be moved once a week to new spot.no environmental damage

August 8, 2022

Visly invested money if you want my opinion. There will allways be some environmental impact from human activitis so environmentalists without any socaity knowledge will allways find somthing to quarrel about.

August 8, 2022

That's 90.000 cubic metres aprox. Not 50.

August 8, 2022

I like this sustainable business model.

August 8, 2022

Wait for eco-SJW–animalists to say this is cruel

August 8, 2022

1500 tonnes of output per annum sounds good. What about the cost to build and to run it?

August 8, 2022

So i will be looking out for Chinese Salmon to buy, because the fish will always live in clean ocean water and thus healthier.

August 8, 2022

unless it locate deeper in ocean or vertical mode, mass produce of these block sunlight, will it reduce algae n oxygen? but at the same time, it might future opportunity of floating coral reef

August 8, 2022

It is just copying norwegian engineering and changing it a bit. The idea is NOT Chinese.. This set up does not reflect all the environmental benefits of other solutions..

August 8, 2022

It is cool! If these deep-sea fish farm develope quikly, it solves the resourse of industry fishing, then more and more people can enjoy the sport fishing in more rivers and lakes.

August 8, 2022

now we can banned norway since they produce the world largest salmon. after the banned norway for the peace price there was salmon shortage.

August 8, 2022

IMHO Farmed Salmon whether near mouth of sea or in deep ocean — is Not healthy at all. However wild salmon numbers are too few and their wild population is dwindling.
1. Farmed salmon are feed pellets, made from animal organs who in turn are feed GMO food (GMO food/seeds are ongoingly sprayed very very heavily and also when time for harvest to get "full yield" the plants are spray even more, thus GMO is bad; GMO seeds/products absorbed humongous amount of poison & toxins… poison & toxins in our body effectively lowers our immunity eventually leads to Cancer/death/society health benefit burden!).

You know its Farmed salmon flesh when you see lines & lines of "white fat" in its flesh, those white salmon fat retains lots of toxin eaten by the fish; as the fish internals have a hard time of excreting the toxins, its body mechanics then create fat and store those toxins into those fat.
(That is also the same reason, people eating GMO junk food, actually any food other than organic foods, people easily get Fat! Our body have a hard time of excreting the absorbed toxin/poison so body create more fat and store the toxins away in them)
Wild salmon flesh is pink and -> No fat.

2. On top of that the pellets are given a colouring so the flesh of salmon will Not look white and pale;
"white and pale is the True colour of those salmon's flesh".
Once they consume those coloured pallet feed, their flesh take on the assigned colours.

3. Farmed Salmon have low immunity due to their unhealthy diet, so sea lices grow on them… and if they are close to wild fishes or wild salmon (near river mouth) these lices jump on to other wild fish and may kill them.
Sea lice kills many salmon fries (salmon baby/young) after their young is hatch and made way into ocean — thus in this way Farmed salmon are effectively killing off or reducing the world's wild salmon population.

But as mentioned wild salmon are seasonal, rare & can't be purchased in most places in the world.
At presen the alternative for human mass is the farm salmon, which can be shipped anywhere any time.

August 8, 2022

China from ancient time has been trying to cooperate with nature by making it more productive without harming it in the process. Terrace farming is a good example for a country with limited arable land. Using the bamboo plant for utensils, furniture, bridges, housing, simple fishing rafts, food and leaves as wrapper. This practice is still being used today. Above all they are totally biodegradable. This latest salmon farming structure is a even better way to harvest nature without polluting the ocean. China should be recognized as the oldest ecologically conscientious culture.

August 8, 2022

If only the oceans were not contaminated with toxic radioactive poisons..

August 8, 2022

The west would call it violation of fish rights..

August 8, 2022

raising fish in their natural habitat, much more muscular and nutrients, another great idea.

August 8, 2022


August 8, 2022

Is it only me who is thinking that China is getting more Innovative compared to US?

August 8, 2022

Good idea

August 8, 2022

thank you our nation

August 8, 2022

This is a significant step in harnassing the sea's potential. Worth following.

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