
DIY Fish Pellets – For the Serious Monster Fish Keeper

Here is my video and step by step walk-through on how to make your own fish pellets at a fraction of the price without losing the quality of nutrition. Reason I started making my own pellets was as my fish grew bigger & bigger the smaller Massivor pellets I was using weren’t really cutting it anymore plus they were way too expansive to feed to my group of Monsters. So, I began messing around with making my own pellets that were larger then any other pellet I could find on the market but is the man size of pellet my fish wanted. Plus I knew exactly what was in them! You can put just about anything you want into your mix, heck look at the Ingredients list on the back of your favorite fish food and use a lot of the same in your mix if you wish. A lot of you probably won’t ever really have the need to do something like this and keep small or few fish where a bag of store bought stuff will last you plenty and it doesn’t cost you a lot… and maybe this isn’t for fish keepers like you… but for more fish keepers like me with hungry giant mouths to feed…lol I’m talking about the Monster Fish Keepers, and I believe it is them who may benefit from something like this, I know I have!!. However, this process could be used for any fish or any amount of fish so if you don’t necessarily need to have huge fish or even a lot of fish to benefit form this…if nothing else you may be interested in making your own pellets to save on money or want a fun little project, Well…. give this a go and let me know how it worked out for you!!


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June 18, 2022

i know this video is old, but using 350, your basically cooking the ingredients which in turn remove some nutrients in the process,and also make it harder for the fish to digest process the food. vitamin c is easily destroyed in heat..

June 18, 2022

Probably smells like dog shit.

June 18, 2022

Use a meat grinder to extrude uniform pellets. Adjust to a dryer mix by adding powdered minerals like calcium and food grade diotomaceous earth for parasites and healthy scales

June 18, 2022

Switch to unbleached flour.

June 18, 2022

thank you, I just have one question, Can I feed my trout fish with this recipe?

June 18, 2022

I wonder if agar agar can be used instead of flour? I make turtle shots and agar agar works a bit better.

June 18, 2022

wow great job on you're fish I just got 2 gobe dragon male and female fish

June 18, 2022

Thank you this really helped !!!

June 18, 2022

Jesus what is it with yanks and crap rock music…had to turn off

June 18, 2022

exactly how much garlic do you put in? My 11 year old son has a 2 very large tanks which he uses to grow juvinile koi to to then be put into our pond. we usually buy the extremely expensive koi growth and color food, but recently he decided to do an experiment for the science fair about if homemade food would give better results. we bought him 10 more juvinile koi, and 5 new tanks, 2 per tank. Each tank is getting different food. one tank in particular is getting homemade food. he researched for 2 weeks their exact nutritional requirements and we made up a a batch or food paste, but I think we need more garlic, or something to make the food more tasty to them. I baked a very small batch of it on extremely low heat to dehydrate it, and they ate a little, but not like we are used to see our koi eat. idk what to do. the other tanks are eating their specified food just fine. the recipe we came up with is nutritionally Balanced with high protein and good color enhancement ingredients, plus a bit of koi clay and other great organic ingredients. I'm just confuse at why they just don't seem to want to eat it. the water tests are perfect, we test daily and do water changes at the slightest off balance. plus the temp in the tank stays between 74 to 78%. any help would be appreciated. even though these little guys are a school project, we would be devastated to lose any. once the project is over they will be placed in one of our big grow tanks, till they reach a decent size for our pond.

June 18, 2022

Gotta try this soon.. thanks, mate.

June 18, 2022

thank u

June 18, 2022

How do we know fish eat your pellets bro? You missed that part of the video where your big fish swallow their food. Great share though

June 18, 2022

just freeze it instead of cooking it. you will have many more nutrients

June 18, 2022

bet your house smells amazing lmao.

June 18, 2022

how it will float ???i can make it

June 18, 2022

Thank you very much.

June 18, 2022

How do you know how much garlic powder/ vitamines to add?

June 18, 2022

You got any peacock bass fingerlings for sale?

June 18, 2022

plesss show video you are feeding your monster this pelletes, that what i thought when watch yo vid

June 18, 2022

love the presentation and the song ~_~

June 18, 2022

Thinking of doing this but using a meat grinder and drying them on covered mesh racks outside ti dry for a few days 🙂

Want to make some pellets to feed fish, Trout, Chickens, rabbits and anything else I might get 🙂

Just have to figure out what size works for each animal I guess, and use the adapter to suit.

Just wondering for the fish, can I use all Vegetables to feed them do I need a meat product, was thinking,corn,beans,wheat, at least ?

Thanks for the video.

June 18, 2022

+David Her  Take an english class so that maybe one day you can afford an oven

June 18, 2022

thaanks a lOt !

June 18, 2022

cost per pound?

June 18, 2022

can anyone answer me dis? what if i dont got a oven? how am i post to bake the DIY Fish Food?

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