
MBARI's Top 10 deep-sea animals

The deep sea—Earth’s largest habitat—is home to a host of magical and mysterious animals. As we help our education and conservation partners at the Monterey Bay Aquarium prepare for the exhibit Into the Deep: Exploring Our Undiscovered Ocean, launching in 2022, they were curious to know which denizens of the deep are our favorites? With that question in mind, we gathered five of MBARI’s finest deep-sea biologists—Shannon Johnson, Kakani Katija, George Matsumoto, Bruce Robison, and Susan von Thun—and came up with a list of ten favorites. You might be surprised to see what made our list and what makes these creatures so lovable.

For more than three decades, MBARI researchers have been exploring the deep ocean with remotely operated vehicles, discovering fascinating ways that life in the deep sea has evolved to thrive in this dark, cold world. Our ocean is vast and full of things yet unseen. Every time we set out on an expedition, we are amazed by new observations and we are excited to share ten of those discoveries with you!

Learn more about MBARI research and the incredible discoveries we’ve made as we explore the ocean at https://www.mbari.org.

Monterey Bay Aquarium video production team: Christy Chamberlain, Presley Adamson
Editor: Lou Laprocido
MBARI video production team: Kyra Schlining, Susan von Thun, Nancy Jacobsen Stout, Heidi Cullen

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March 19, 2022

the eyes look like orbeez

March 19, 2022

Sorry I feel like watching Pheobe here talking animals. no offense

March 19, 2022

0:44 Тихоходка на максималках.

March 19, 2022

Im jealous as hell.. Id love to go down that dep at least once in my life in a sub and jsut look at at least one animal

March 19, 2022

Hey you, yes you who is watching this, I'm asking you,
Ever wondered Why there's so much suffering in this world? And Why do we die?

Suffering is because of Sin, once sin is 🔪 suffering will also be 🔪
This is the proof of sin in each one of us, check yourself out:
Ever Lied?
Ever Disrespected Parents?
Ever Got angry on people?(anger=murder)
Ever Stolen?
Ever Lusted after someone?(lust=adultery)

Because Everyone has sinned against God and became worthy of death(☆Rom 6:23) but God being a Loving Father sent His only beloved Son for us on the Cross✝️ to be Sacrificed as a ransom for our sins(We committed crime,  Jesus paid fine ☆John 3:16). And now whoever believes and accepts Jesus as his Lord and Saviour, he/she is granted freedom from sin, Everlasting life, peace✌, love❤ and joy😊 and a relationship with the Eternal God. (☆Acts 3:19)

March 19, 2022

Are animals Pokémon?

March 19, 2022

Well, now I have a crush on Kakani Katija ;-;

March 19, 2022

Bro I knew my favorite animal the Vampy Squiddy would be here

March 19, 2022


March 19, 2022

I feel sick watching this. I’m trying to overcome my fear of the ocean by watching a bunch of underwater videos

March 19, 2022

Life in the ocean look more alien than anything seen in Hollywood movies.

March 19, 2022

The Tomopteris worm gave me subnautica flashbacks for 3 seconds-

March 19, 2022

So fascinating, love this videoo !!!!!!!

March 19, 2022

so many RGB creatures

March 19, 2022

There's no limit to what is in the stygian depths…

March 19, 2022

New life goal, find strawberry squid!.

March 19, 2022

سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم عدد ما ذكرك الذاكرون وعدد ما غفل عن ذكرك الغافلون

March 19, 2022

لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير عدد ما خلق وملئ ما خلق وزنة ما خلق

March 19, 2022

00:00 Intro
00:20 10. Tomopteris worm
01:12 9. Crossota jelly
01:54 8. Pacific viperfish
02:38 7. Strawberry squid
03:35 6. Feather star
04:10 5. Phronima amphipod
04:56 4. Pompeii worm
05:59 3. Bloody belly comb jelly
07:10 2. Vampire squid
08:33 1. Barreleye fish

March 19, 2022

Why does this video feel like something on Discovery Channel? But also kind of in an Amature way? like its almost a parody

March 19, 2022

feather star looks like it would jsut be on the shelf of a pet store with all the other cat toys when its swimming lol

March 19, 2022

8:20 It’s called a vampire squid 🧛🏻‍♂️ 🦑 because of it’s ‘cape’ and the way it hides in it.

March 19, 2022

4:27 DO NOT EAT!

March 19, 2022

And people WONDER where nightmares come from 🤣wow

March 19, 2022

THAAANK YOU FOR THIS ❤️❤️ My brother works for NOAA, I have a shunt so going below 25-30 feet is a no no….thx for showing me things like this ❤️

March 19, 2022

GOD Almighty Created all These Creatures !🙌🏽❤️

March 19, 2022


March 19, 2022

These are all prehistoric creatures that never evolved because the deep-sea never went through any drastic climate changes since the beginning of time. So these ancient creatures are a snapshot of what animals looked like from an ancient era. Imagine what prehistoric land animals looked like during their era? We know about giant lizards (dinosaurs) but imagine what other odd looking land animals existed that we will never know about because their skeletal remains were long since turned into dust over the centuries. Possibly racoon-sized ticks and fleas, flying snakes, jet-sized birds that swoop down to pick up humans and deer and drop them from high distances, eagle-sized bumble bees, land sharks, long-distance flying cockroaches, flying spiders etc. We are very fortunate enough to live in this current era because we would have went extinct in any other prehistoric time. We already know that crocs and alligators are what dinosaurs would have evolved into had they survived.

March 19, 2022

No James Cameron on the list?

March 19, 2022

Am I the only one who thinks the bloody belly comb jelly looks like its got a dumptruck of an ass

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