
Shark EATEN? Ocean’s top predator becomes lunch

Shark EATEN? Ocean’s top predator becomes lunch

Credit: Dave Perkins-Pen News

THIS is the moment a horrified fishing crew drag up a six-foot shark, only to see it’s been knocked off the top of the food chain by a mysterious predator of the deep.
Dave Perkins was fishing with two customers off the Florida coast when they decided to reel in a blacktip shark which was chasing away their fish.
Little did they know, an even bigger predator was lurking – and when they pulled up the shark, they saw something had bitten it almost in two.
Mr Perkins said: “While I was holding the leader to unhook the fish, it jerked and writhed violently.
“I assumed that the shark was just angry at being manhandled – I didn’t know it was actually the shark being bit until I pulled it closer and saw the wound.
“I felt intimidated when I saw the bite. I was nervous that it was going to get bitten while I was holding the wire leader.
“I’ve caught and released nearly 1,000 sharks in my life and nothing like this has ever happened to me before.”
The trio were off south Florida, near the Everglades National Park, when they caught the shark.
The moment its gruesome wound comes into view is caught on camera, along with the shocked reaction of the crew.
In the footage, the shark is haemorrhaging blood, but somehow it’s still alive.
Fearing that whatever predator was responsible might come back to finish the job, Dave cut the line as quickly as possible, without retrieving the hook.
One possible culprit for the attack is an even bigger shark – a 10-foot suspect was seen circling the boat soon after the wounded animal escaped.
“It was a bull shark,” said Mr Perkins, 51.
“They are common in our waters and by far the most vicious and aggressive sharks on earth.
“They are often found in murky waters and will eat just about anything.”
It was, in any case, a stomach-churning experience – even for an experienced catch-and-release fisherman like Dave.
“I felt awful for the shark that was bitten,” he said.
“I love sharks, I hate to see them hurt.”
But he’s nonetheless hopeful that the smaller shark might have survived.
He said: “I was hopeful that if I could release it quickly, I might possibly get away and recover from its wound.
“It wasn’t bitten in its vitals and I’ve seen sharks with horrible scars on them, in different stages of healing.
“I knew it would have zero chance of surviving if it got bitten again while I was trying to wrangle the hook out of its mouth.”
As for the animal responsible, Dave – who resides in Key Largo – thinks it was the bigger shark.
But the fishing captain agrees that the ocean still holds some secrets.
“I would say that there are still plenty of mysteries in the deep,” he said.
“Probably not as many in the shallows of the oceans – especially in very populated places like Florida.
“That being said, I have seen many crazy things out on the water in my half a century out on it.”

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July 4, 2024

Literally anybody that believes mythical creatures would say that’s the killer mermaid 😂

July 4, 2024

Shark : fought a bout with one and only orca the killer whale. The apex predator of the gigantic ocean.

July 4, 2024

Sharks aren’t the oceans top predators.

July 4, 2024

Everyone saying they feel sorry for the shark is making me cringe. Its literal nature. Get this delusional empathy out of here cringelords

July 4, 2024

Tiger shark most likely

July 4, 2024

Why didn't they remove the hook?

July 4, 2024

shark on shark crime

July 4, 2024

😢 poor shark, murderes

July 4, 2024

Might survive the bite itself but its gonna leave a huge trail of dinner bells anywhere it goes

July 4, 2024

bull sharks hunt other sharks. they eat anything

July 4, 2024

not all shark's are the oceans top predators lol

July 4, 2024

Whats gonn happen with that shark? U think he survived or?

July 4, 2024

Эта акула долго не проживет ..🤨

July 4, 2024

Poor shark 😢😢😢

July 4, 2024

OMG 😱 what could have done that?!

July 4, 2024

He can survive that??…….where is your law of survival??

July 4, 2024

Why are these ah fishing for shark?

July 4, 2024

He could survive that, get a bloody brain his bleeding to death


Poor little guy

July 4, 2024

Wow that was a huge chunk and to get thru it in one bite Holyshit

July 4, 2024

Hey fishermen do I know I I can only see light 😵


The poor thing it looks like it was a momma…there is a baby by its side too
Simmin right next to it damn probably an orca because it's side has been bitten and that's where they like to get sharks

July 4, 2024

Poor fella

July 4, 2024

You guys forget that there’s bigger sharks down there and they attack anything when starving.

July 4, 2024

My school nurse still would have given him an ice pack and crackers

July 4, 2024

scumbag fishermen,

July 4, 2024

there's always something bigger

July 4, 2024

that whole convo was sketchy rehearsed. "he just got bitten in half" but they are just finding out? followed by some doubtful questions and positive thinking.

July 4, 2024

"wow he just got bit in half,by?what do you think?i know i dont think either….look at that bite mark,or you dont think,he……we got him with the impell……i mean he can survive that".

July 4, 2024

AWW, I feel sorry for the shark. Poor dude.

July 4, 2024

Maybe this shark could go to the Shark E.R. hello Dr.Finns I was bitten by a bigger shark do you think you can put me back together,sorry Walt not a chance in hell the would is definitely to severe !!

July 4, 2024

Probably a motor boat that hit the poor shark

July 4, 2024

It won't survive. Less than an hour it'll die due to blood loss.

July 4, 2024

Probably an orca. Talking about predators in the ocean, they're at the very top, not the shark.

July 4, 2024

He just got bitten in half ! Could survive? Not!

July 4, 2024

I hate sharks but that’s so sad

July 4, 2024

다른 상어가 먹었네

July 4, 2024

Alguien que lo ayude?😢

July 4, 2024

Im so sure whatever bit the shark like that is still following it to finish its meal

July 4, 2024

Probably got in a fight

July 4, 2024

Great job guys….

July 4, 2024

Is that a tiger, shark,

July 4, 2024

Not even that big of a shark

July 4, 2024

😢 shark put me out of my misery the least you can do you did hold me on a line with no chance to get away also iv never been attacked before only other shark's thought I was injured jue to you reeling me in on a line 😢to feed your family I no problem but for sports na not cool

July 4, 2024

Probably just hit your prop

July 4, 2024

Looks like he aas bitten by another shark the same size as him. The wound isnt that big. Just another shark sensing he was tired and couldnt fight back.

July 4, 2024

That may be an orca’s bite? Because i know orcas hunt great whites for their liver? (Although they clearly missed bc it’s higher up)

July 4, 2024

I am pretty sure i have heard, they could survive a bite like that

July 4, 2024

That could also be from a boat.

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